First Impressions
For some users, the library's website is the first, and perhaps only, point of entry to the library. Web pages need to be easily navigated, intuitive, and slick.
Based on the feedback provided by the Arizona State University focus group and my user needs analysis of one, valuable online services might include:
Based on the feedback provided by the Arizona State University focus group and my user needs analysis of one, valuable online services might include:
- a customizable interface
- RSS feeds
- point-of-need options for accessing materials
- links in the catalog that take me to digitized content
- links in the catalog that take me to digitized archival material
- user reviews
- tagging
Much like peanut butter and chocolate, the two work well together...
To allow our patrons to get the most use out of our physical and virtual spaces, we should find ways to meld the two. There are several ways to integrate technology into our infrastructure that would make sense to patrons and make their experience more pleasant and more fruitful.
- interactive maps
- virtual signage
- tours
- text messaging